Search Results for: wheat

Corn at top of the Argentina exports; soybean complex, at botton

This week, National Bureau of Census and Statistics (INDEC) released its report on foreign trade commerce. In the first quarter, exports totalize U$S14,397 million while imports amount US$16,892 million, raising the trade deficit to $2,494 million. The Primary Products  (mainly grains) represents 25% of the total exports, while Ag Manufactures (MOA’s as his acronym in Spanish) […]

Argentinean farmers to collect for the first time Indigo’s Tech soybeans

By Javier Preciado Patiño In a few days, Argentinean farmers will start the harvest of 16,5 million hectares of soybean crop. But 10.000 of those hectares was grown with Indigo’s microbiological technology. It’s the first time that this occurs in the country. “Farmers are saying us that they expect a great performance from this soybeans”, […]